Clothing the Gap merchandise has landed

That Start Up Show!

A brand new season of That Start Up Show is about to kick off and we're stoked to see that it is being hosted by Rae Johnston, a proud Wiradjuri woman! 

So, how do we know about all of this?? 

A few months ago Laura and Sarah said "Yes!" (of course!) to joining a photoshoot with That Start Up Show to create free stock photos for the The Startup Photo Library.

"What's That Start Up Show?" you ask? Great question!

That Startup Show is an award winning live online show focusing on the fast-growing entrepreneurial boom and the culture that surrounds it. Shot live in downtown Melbourne, season 1 has been downloaded over 1,000,000 times by viewers in 60 countries. Our mission is to demystify entrepreneurship, startup culture, technology and innovation, and make it accessible to all people. The future belongs to everyone.


"What's The Startup Photo Library?" ...don't worry, we weren't too sure either:

The Startup Photo Library is a collaboration between City of Melbourne and That Startup Show; a selection of stock photo featuring the diverse and vibrant talent of Melbourne's innovation and entrepreneurial community.

Laura and Sarah had a ball meeting other new startups and capturing some hilarious moments that we have been able to use on our website and social media pages for stock photos. 


You can check out all of the action shots in The Start Up Library here. They may even be useful for your new business! For more information on how to use the photos you can go to: 

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