Hey Sparkies,
Say "Hi" to Wanda The Wellness Warrior. Wanda is Spark's very first Superhero and is the face of our 10 Week Women's fitness and wellbeing program called #Wanda.
Want to know more? Well Wanda is wanda-ful lol, she is like your favourite Aunty but, with a six pack and massive guns! She is determined and sassy and wears active wear (she is forever practical) and her outfit is complete with her possum skin armbands.
She can also jump 10 x higher than a kangaroo and run 10 x faster than an emu and of course she has blue hair because her favourite drink is water!
Why the name Wanda, you might ask? Because, she has a wand of course! But, not just any wand, her wand reminds people of their healthy lifestyle goals and can do magical swaps, like turn Slurpies into water! Or get your moom off the couch and playing sport!
We look forward to sharing some of Wanda's stories with you all soon!
Wanda's development timeline
Some of the prototype drawings of Wanda, by legendary artist, Tara McKenzie (click here to see more of Tara's work) as we refined her look with the assistance of our Sparkies (loyal followers)!
After it was decided that Wanda will no have a mask we able to digitalise her and add some colour! But, then we could not decide on her hair colour.. should it be veggie green, grape purple or water blue? After consultation with the Sparkies we went with a different shade of blue!

Drawing 4: Wanda Colour Test by Tara McKenzie Illustrations
Still crutchy….2nd version..l like the mask.